doze|dozed|dozes|dozing in English



sleep lightly, nap

Use "doze|dozed|dozes|dozing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "doze|dozed|dozes|dozing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "doze|dozed|dozes|dozing", or refer to the context using the word "doze|dozed|dozes|dozing" in the English Dictionary.

1. He fell into a doze, ie began to doze.

2. Doze off in class.

3. Grandad was dozing in his chair.

4. He dozed fitfully, and then slept.

5. For a while she dozed fitfully.

6. Dotard, a-dozing at the very nonce.

7. Don't doze over your work.

8. I dozed fitfully until dawn.

9. 6 Its hunger sated, the lion dozed.

10. I must have dozed off.

11. I dozed fitfully for a few hours.

12. I dozed off during the film.

13. He dozed off during the film.

14. After lunch I had a doze.

15. Do you sometimes doze off in class?

16. Billy dozed in the meat locker.

17. The baby alternately dozed and puddled.

18. He was dozing in the hammock when I called.

19. After a while he started to doze.

20. She had a little doze after lunch.

21. I dozed off during the soporific music.

22. She sat shivering, dozing off: home, or nearly.

23. 7 Armand dozing, apparently, in a surfeit of plenty.

24. Jenny dozed off and he switched on the autopilot.

25. Unobscurely doze Aporrhegma dyewoods pseudorepublican SCM